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WOD 211123 - TUESDAY


Coach Stretch

Wrist Mob. & Hamstrings


4 Pike Push Ups

6 Good Mornings

8 Hollow Rocks

20 DUs/SUs



“Barbara Ann”

With a running clock, complete 5 RDS of:

20 handstand push-ups

30 deadlifts (95/135 lb.)

40 sit-ups

50 double-unders

Rest 3 Mins between rounds

Each round should be a sprint, with rest occurring only in the 3 minutes between rounds. Reduce the total number of rounds to maintain speed rather than slogging through all 5.

Score is total time including rest

Intermediate Option:

4 rounds, each for time, of:

10 handstand push-ups

20 deadlifts (95/135 lb.)

30 sit-ups

40 double-unders

Beginner Option:

3 rounds, each for time, of:

20 push-ups

20 deadlifts (45/65 lb.)

20 sit-ups

50 single-unders


Post WOD Accessory

2 x 50m KB Farmer Carry

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