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WOD 210830 - MONDAY


Coach Stretch

Hip opener

Coach led Burgener warm-up snatch drill


6 Alt. Cossack Squat

5 Med Ball Cleans

6 Scorpions

5 Hollow Swings


1:00 min moment of silence to honor and remember the lives of the 13 service members lost and the hundreds of civilians who perished.



Born: January 22, 1999

KIA: August 26, 2021

Age: 22 yrs.

1 of 13 U.S. Service Members lost in the Kabul suicide bomb in Afghanistan on August 26, 2021


1 RMU/BMU (scale: 2:1 strict Pull-Up)


99 DUs / SUs

8 Snatches, 135/95#

26 T2B

21 Wall Balls, 20/14#

Aug 26 2021 - About our 6th day at Abbey gate. We we’re running an orphanage that morning. Our dudes kept pulling kids out of the canal where the Afghans were crowding to get into Abbey gate to avoid them being crushed. The corpsmen being the Jack of all trades took too making sure the kids were taken care of transferred to the right place.

We we’re briefed of the potential IED threat that entire day. CCP was set up about 100 meters down from the canal prepared for the mass cas. The sun was starting to go down, we were about to get relieved by the 82nd. Echo, Fox, and Golf had been doing rotations on the front. When the explosion happened it was Golf 1st platoon on the canal. The 2 HM’s for that platoon were Max and Hollingsworth. It was a shitty day and that IED happened. I never thought I would be put in a situation like this.

15 WIA and 9 KIA; 24 casualties from Golf company alone.

I’m proud to have served with everyone there that day. The corpsmen, marines, and other branches. Given this shitty situation we all worked together and we saved lives. From the marines to the Afghan civilians that started rushing in. All the training we did, it showed at that exact moment. From my fellow Ghost corpsmen treating, to the Warhammer corpsmen right up there with us. To the weapons corpsmen about a couple hundred meters back working with the stp. To the stp stabilizing and transferring to the role 2. To all the marines who provided aid, security, and transport. I’m proud to serve.

The 13 who were lost that day will never be forgotten.

Ghost company HM’s I’m proud of you snd proud to be your senior line.

HM2 Torres, Jonathan

HM3 Whitaker, Jacob

HM3 Hollingsworth, David

HN Ahmed, Wasif

HN Atlas, Layne

HN Soviak, Maxton


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