Warm Up
Stretch/ Mobility
3 Rounds
5 L/R Reverse Lunges with Thoracic Twist
5 L/R Push Press (Moderate DB/ KB weight)
5 Power Snatch w/ Barbell
10 Seconds Handstand Holds
A. Snatch
4x1 (65%~70% of 1RM of Snatch)
2 Pause Low Hang Snatch-Grip High Pulls + 1 Hang Snatch
B. Split Jerks
4x3 (70%~75% of 1RM Split Jerk)
Split Jerk (with 3 seconds Pause at Barbell Overhead)
* Focus on Locking out, balance, and keeping core tight.
C. Accessories
Pause Goblet Squats (moderate weight; 5 seconds pause)
Bulgarian Split Squats (with two light db/kb; "suitcase" grip)