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Warm Up

Stretch/ Mobility

2 Rounds w/ empty barbell (or pvc pipe)

5 Snatch Grip High Pulls

5 Snatch Grip Behind-the-neck Push Press + Overhead Squat

5 Power Clean + Front Squat5 Split Jerks


A. Snatch

(4x1 @ 70% of 1rm Snatch)

2 Pause (3 seconds) Low Hang Squat Snatch

*Reset each rep

(scale: Low Hang Power + Overhead Squat)

B. Cleans (3x2 @ 70% of 1rm Clean)

Pause (3 seconds) High Hang Squat Clean

*Keep at High Hang Position

(scale: High Hang Power Clean + Front Squat)

C. Jerks (3x3 @ 65% of Split Jerks)

Split Jerks (3 seconds pause at dip)

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