Warm up
Stretch/ Mobility
3 Rounds
5 Hang Muscle Snatch
5 Tempo Overhead Squat
5 Strict Press
5 Med Ball Clean
A. Snatch
(3x3 @ 65%~75% of 1rm Power Snatch)
Power Snatch (3 pause at Low Hang section)
B. Cleans
(8 Minute EMOM @ 40%~50% of Squat Clean)
1 Power Clean - 1 Squat Clean - 1 Split Jerk
C. Deadlifts
(deload week)
2 warm up sets (build to 40% of 90% of 1RM)
Set 1: 5 @ 40% of 90%
Set 2: 5 @ 50% of 90%
Set 3: 5 @ 60% of 90%
D. Accessories
5 x 20 Hollow Rocks