Stretch/ Mobility
Clean and Jerk Focus
3 Rounds w/ Barbell or PVC
*all from clean grip/ high hang position
3 Up/ Down Shrug (powerful jump)
3 Elbows High and Outside
3 Muscle Clean
3 Clean Land (power/ quarter/ parallel)
3 Split Jerk
A. Clean and Jerk Complex
10 EMOM @ 45-50% of 1rm of Clean and Jerk
1 High Pull + 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 2 Split Jerk
B. Front SquatsTempo Front Squats
(3-1-1-1)4 sets of 3 @ 50-60% of Squat Clean
C. Core/ Accessories
Chest Supported Dumbbell Row
4 x 10
10 Reverse Curls w/ empty barbell